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Advice 004/2022 of 29 June 2022 concerning the screening of foreign direct investment and role of State Security and GISS in the process
Advice 003/2022 of 29 June 2022 concerning data protection in relation to the Immigration Office and transfer of personal data to State Security and GISS
Advice 002/2022 of 29 June 2022 concerning the access to e-PV database
Advice 001/2022 of 20 April 2022 concerning maritime security
Advice 001/2021 of 8 October 2021 - draft act amending of the Act of 10 July 2006 on threat assessment, which set up the Coordination Unit for Threat Assessment
Advice 003/ VCI-VCP-BTA of 17 September 2020 - DIOB-OCAD
Advice 001/VCI-BTA of 30 October 2020 concerning the Directorate for Integrity Assessment for Public Administrations – State Security and GISS
Advice 001/VCI-BTA of 26 August 2020 concerning the exchange of classified information with Italy
Advice 001/VCI-BTA of 26 August 2020 concerning the exchange of classified information with France
Advice 009/VCI-BTA of 23 August 2019 concerning the exchange of classified information with Spain
Advice 008/VCI-BTA of 23 August 2019 concerning the exchange of classified information with Hungary
 Advice 007/VCI-BTA of 23 August 2019 concerning the exchange of classified information with Finlandf
Advice 006/VCI-BTA of 23 August 2019 concerning the exchange of classified information with Cyprus
Advice 002-VCI-COC/10-2019
Advice 001/VCI-COC/2019 of 1 Augustus 2019 - betreffende een ontwerp van koninklijk besluit tot wijziging van het koninklijk besluit van 21 juli 2016 betreffende de Gemeenschappelijke Gegevensbank Terrorist Fighters (2019)
Advice 005/VCI-VCP-BTA of 3 July 2019 - DIOB- VSSE/ADIV
Advice 004/VCI-VCP-BTA of 27 June 2019 - DIOB- OCAD
Advice 003/VCI-BTA of 27 June 2019 - Wijziging aan de Classificatiewet van 11 december 1998 
Advice 002/VCI-BTA/2019 of 9 April 2019 - Wijziging KB 12 oktober 2010 en KB 3 juli 2016 (2019)
Advice 001/VCI-BTA/2019 of 5 February 2019 - Wijziging regeling passagiersinformatieeenheid (2019) 
Advice 008/VCI-BTA/2018 of 16 November 2018 - Nieuwe inlichtingenmethoden en beschermings- en ondersteuningsmaatregelen (2018) 
Advice 007/VCI-VCP-BTA/2018 of 24 October 2018 - Leesrecht SIDIS SUITE OCAD (2018) 
Advice 006/VCI-BTA/2018 of 24 October 2018 - Leesrecht SIDIS SUITE (2018) 
Advice 005/VCI-VCP-BTA/2018 of 1 October 2018 - PASSBAN-databank - OCAD gegevens (2018) 
Advice 004/VCI-BTA/2018 of 1 October 2018 - PASSBAN-databank (2018) 
Advice 003/VCI-VCP-BTA/2018 of 26 September 2018 - Screening kandidaat-penitentiaire beambten - OCAD-gegevens (2018) 
Advice 002/VCI-BTA/2018 of 26 September 2018 - Screening kandidaat-penitentiaire beambten (2018) 
Advice 001/VCI-BTA/2018 of 26 September 2018 - Passagiersinformatieeenheid (2018)