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In April 2014, the European Parliament requested the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) to conduct research on the protection of fundamental rights in the context of large-scale surveillance. It should particularly look into the remedies available to individuals in relation to surveillance practices.

In October 2017, FRA published a report combining its analysis of what laws exist and how they translate into practice. It also provides opinions on possible ways forward to better safeguard fundamental rights.

Colloquia en studiedagen

9th International Intelligence Review Agencies Conference (IIRAC), (London, 7-10th July 2014)

8th International Intelligence Review Agencies Conference (IIRAC), (Ottawa, 26-30th May 2012)

7th Conference of the Parliamentary Committees for the Oversight of Intelligence and Security Services of the European Union Member States, Norway and Switzerland (Berlin, 27-28th October 2011) [declaration pdf]

6th Conference of the Committees for the oversight of intelligence services (Brussels, 30th September - 1st October 2010) [declaration pdf]


Bezoek van Zijne Majesteit de Koning ter gelegenheid van de twintigste verjaardag van het Vast Comité I (25 april 2014)
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