
What are the disputes that fall within the competence of the Appeal Body?

The Appeal Body is competent for very specific disputes between certain authorities and (legal) persons. This is particularly with regard to:

  • the refusal or withdrawal of a security clearance or the failure to take a timely decision in this regard;
  • the refusal or withdrawal of a security certificate required for access to locations where classified documents are stored or the failure to take a timely decision in this regard;
  • the refusal or withdrawal of a security certificate required for access to specific locations where there is a threat or the failure to take a timely decision in this regard;
  • a negative security advice within the meaning of the Act of 11 December 1998;
  • a decision of a public or administrative authority to request security advice or certificates in a specific sector or for a specific location or event.

The Appeal Body does not have any other areas of competence. Therefore, it may not rule on security advice for candidates for the position of detective and for persons who want to acquire Belgian nationality. Here, it is respectively the Council of State and the Court of First Instance, which are competent.

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